******* STOP! What are you doing snooping in here and looking? :0 DRAFT ONLY – DO NOT ACTUALLY APPLY YET !!! OUT …. OUT … OUTOUTOUTOUTOUT!!!!*****
Submission Begin Date: MM-DD-YY
Submission End Date: MM-DD-YY
Announcement Week: MM-DD-YY thru MM-DD-YY
Please read first before going to down to applications below regarding your auditions:
A – Ticket Purchase: To be eligible for the production, you must purchase a ticket by June 1st.
B – Quality and Accuracy: For those aiming to participate in our all-star casts, please note that the RKO Con directors are looking for high-quality performances showcasing accuracy in both your costumes and your stage presence. To align all performers and audiences: reinterpretations, bits, and/or gags will not be approved.
C – Submission Content: We anticipate a high volume of submissions, so we encourage you to carefully consider the material you provide. While video submissions are not required, we recommend that you include substantial content for assessment!
D – Multiple Main Roles: You may audition for multiple main roles, but please submit a separate audition form for each main role. Ensemble roles do not require separate submissions.
E – Download Links: Please test and ensure that any links that are for us to download will work for us at our end.
F – Load Balance: Please consult the Schedule in order to best make personal load-balance decisions on what you can participate in.
We are giving priority to con attendees. Any unfilled roles will be cast in-house by RKO Army.
We look forward to seeing your talent and creativity!